Friday, October 4, 2013

Rugby in New Zealand

In New Zealand rugby is VERY popular. Some might even call it the national sport. We wanted to learn more about the game of rugby so we have been asking questions of Kiwi's who have played the game. A few months ago we realized that the national rugby team of New Zealand, the All Blacks (who are the reigning Rugby World Cup champions), would be playing a match against South Africa on September 14 in Auckland. We immediately bought tickets and made plans to attend the game with 8 other senior missionary couples. A week before the game all of us who were going to attend were given instruction in a "Rugby 101" class taught by rugby fanatic and expert, Matt, who works at the Area Office with us. Below are some of the pictures from the game. We took the bus from Takapuna, where we live, to the stadium in Auckland about 30 minutes away. The sports arena is called Eden Park and is a beautiful facility. We had a great time absorbing some of the atmosphere and culture of New Zealand. The All Blacks won the match but it was a very physical contest with plenty of players going to the "blood bin" and the "sin bin" with injuries and penalties. South Africa and New Zealand have a long history of rugby rivalry. If you saw the movie, "Invictus", the story includes South Africa beating the All Blacks for the Rugby World Cup during Nelson Mandela's time as president of the South Africa. The Kiwi's here still talk about that match.

All decked out in All Blacks gear!

On the bus to the game.

Eden Park Stadium. Because the stadium is right in the middle of Auckland city there is very little parking. Everyone attending the game is encouraged to take the special buses provided. The cost of the bus is included in the game ticket and it works really well.

9 Senior Missionary couples attended the game. There are 7 couples in this picture (from l to r) Elder and Sister Hunzinger, Elder and Sister Long, Elder and Sister Anderson, Elder and Sister Bertasso, Elder and Sister Passehl, Elder and Sister Jacobsen, and Elder and Sister Reynolds.

Before the game. We got some light rain during the evening but not enough to spoil the fun.

Pre-game activities. The Springboks are in green and, of course, the All Blacks are in black. :) After the National Anthems of both countries is sung the teams face each other and the All Blacks do the Hakka. The Hakka is an important part of Maori tradition and very much a part of New Zealand culture. It is really fun to watch.

The game is on...80 minutes of continuous play! I would explain what was happening in these pictures, but that would require that I understood everything that was happening (which I didn't). Let's just say that the All Blacks scored more "trys" than the Springboks so they won the match. :)
The game of rugby is fast-paced. It has loads of strategies that one learns with years of watching and playing the game. Even without that knowledge it was fun to watch.
I turned around and took this picture on the big screen right behind me. It gives you a close up of the action.

Elder and Sister Collins Arrive
The best part of the whole day, however, was the arrival of Elder and Sister Collins from Idaho, who arrived in Auckland at 5:30 a.m. that morning following a 13 hour flight from Los Angeles. We were able to spend some time with them for two days before they headed to Fiji. They will be working with the vocational teachers at the LDS Church College of Fiji. What a great couple they are and what a blessing they will be in building the capacity of the vocational teachers at the school. 

Love and prayers 'til our next post!