Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Kia ora

Kia ora - the first phrase we've learned to use on our next life adventure to New Zealand! Mike and I will be heading out in just a few short weeks to start our mission serving in the International Teacher Education Program. Our first stop will be the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah... the shortest leg of this trip. Then we are off to Hawaii where we will spend some time at BYU Hawaii in training. One long plane ride later, we will arrive in our new home base (pictured below) of Auckland, New Zealand! Follow along with our adventures as we visit and work alongside other educators at 15 different schools located in Tonga, Samoa, Fiji and Kiribati. Love and prayers until our next post!
Auckland, New Zealand


  1. New Zealand is VERY lucky to be getting you!! Love you both - can't wait to hear stories and come visit!!

  2. Go forth knowing full well that all of us (US) love you and support you and Mike. As your big brother I look forward to reading the posts with Mom when they are made. By the way, most people go on Church Mission trips when they are 14 years old? Just sayin....(;@)=
