Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mission Update from New Zealand

 In the Missionary Training Center in Provo
 In front of the Provo Temple

 BYU Hawaii
 Elder and Sister Jacobsen, President Wheelwright, and Dean John Bailey
Brigham Young University Hawaii
 At the Polynesian Cultural Center
 With some "Kiwi" BYU Hawaii students
who perform in Aotearoa (Maori for New Zealand)
 The view of Auckland from where we live in Takapuna
It has been almost two weeks since we arrived in Auckland, New Zealand. The first week was spent in training with the missionary couple who we would soon be replacing. Elder and Sister Ronnenkamp were gracious hosts and updated us on the two years of the work they had done as Coordinators of the International Teacher Education Program (ITEP). Our office is located in the Pacific Area Office for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The office is a four story building filled with employees who are managing and overseeing the multitude of programs the church sponsors in the Pacific. There are many departments and each department has responsibility for the entire Pacific area including Australia. The fifteen church schools fall under the umbrella of Seminaries and Institutes. Being here has made us realize the magnitude of the positive impact the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has world-wide. It is incredible in it's scope and Elder Jacobsen and I (as missionaries we are referred to as Elder and Sister) are so thrilled to be a part of it. More later!

1 comment:

  1. I just have to post again in support of these great pictures. Love. This.
